Preparatory actions
- Tile shape optimization for advancing in above sheathing ventilation and energy savings
Implementation actions
- Building of two sample buildings with test roof to compare performances of heat disposal in summer season of new tiles with old ones and with different types of roof waterproof surfaces
- Implementation of a pilot plant for tiles production
- Actual testing of energetic and waterproofing performances of the new tiles, in comparison with standard ones and other types of waterproof materials, and their characterization and certification
- Testing of the new tiles in real environment and real scale on a real-scale demonstrator building for data validation
- Software implementation for the prior assessment of energy savings of pitched tiled roofs
Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
- Environmental impact assessment and monitoring
- Monitoring the socio-economic impact of the project
Communication and dissemination of results
- Dissemination and Communication
- Networking with LIFE and non-LIFE projects
- After LIFE communication plan
Project management and monitoring of the project progress
- Project Monitoring
- Project Management
- Indicators tables compilation
- Monitor and measure of project performance indicators